Website of DD7MB
amateur radio - ham radio - DD7MB
Author: Maximilian Bundscherer
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About Me
Hello everyone,
I am happy to be a radio amateur now (12/12/2023)! I am located in Nuremberg (QTH JN59NK) and I am a member of DARC (DOK B11). I prefer QSL via Bureau - alternatively also via eQSL and QRZ.
I am mainly active using the following callsigns and radios:
- DF0OHM - HF/VHF/UHF - Club Station Of Technische Hochschule Nuernberg Georg Simon Ohm (Kenwood TS-2000X or Icom IC-7300 with T2FD Antenna)
- DD7MB - HF - Personal callsign (Icom IC-7300 with Difona HF-P1 Antenna)
- DD7MB/P - VHF/UHF - Portable operation (Alinco DJ-MD-5X-EG)
I am interested in many modes, especially PSK31, Olivia, CW/Morse, satellite communication, Meteor Scatter, RTTY, FT8, JS8, SSTV and further developments of these modes.
I am currently mainly active on HF with DF0OHM.
Did you hear me? I would be delighted if you would let me know when you heard me. I have set up a small and simple online form for this purpose. This form is also included at the bottom of this website.
You can also visit my A-SDR / Independer website.
- Mail: maximilian@bundscherer-online.de
- CallSign: DD7MB
- Radio-ID (DMR): 2631609
I am mainly active on HF at the moment. When I’m active on VHF and UHF, I usually listen on the local FM analogue and DMR repeaters (Brandmeister Network - Talkgroups 26284, 26391).
If you want the message to arrive (reliably), please send it by e-mail.
Satellite Ground Station (SatNOGS)
I operate a satellite ground station at DF0OHM in the SatNOGS network.
An RTL-SDR (Nooelec v5) with a Turnstile antenna (TA-1) for VHF is currently in use. In the future, an azimuth and elevation rotor with Cross-Yagis will be used.
A-SDR and Antennas
Before my amateur radio days, I focussed on receiving radio signals via SDR. That’s why I still like to use my Nooelec SDR sticks for reception today.
I use a MoonRaker groundplane antenna and an Active MLA-30 loop antenna with a HF upconverter (Ham It Up). Sometimes I also use a receiver amplifier, also from MoonRaker. Furthermore I use a HackRF with the ANT500 antenna.
Read more about this on my A-SDR / Independer website.
I regularly send APRS messages via my LoRa iGate DD7MB (aprs.fi). I also use it to forward messages to the APRS-IS.
I use DD7MB-9 (aprs.fi) when I’m travelling on foot or by car.
I am currently mainly active on HF with DF0OHM.
My QRZ-logbook does not contain any other callsigns or suffixes used by me (e.g. DF0OHM or /P).
HF Propagation
For propagation conditions, especially for QTH Germany, I recommend the weather and propagation forecast by fading.de and the DX propagation map by DR2W.
I also recommend the solar-terrestrial data by hamqsl.com:
VOACAP and KC2G can also be useful to estimate propagation conditions.
Reception Report
Did you hear me? I would be delighted if you would let me know when you heard me. I have set up a small and simple online form for this purpose. Alternatively, you can also use the following form directly: